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Global Silicon Nitride Balls Market Insights Report 2019-2026: Toshiba, CoorsTek, Hoover Precision, ITI, Winsted Precision Ball, Ortech | 6902 2rs Bearing

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Thorium, a radioactive and highly carcinogenic heavy metal used in military targeting systems has been found in Sardinian honey, milk, and other areas of the food chain.

2.3 Other work has demonstrated that insoluble radionuclides (such as those produced by the irradiation of uranium and other artificial elements), discharged to sea from the Sellafield site, can also travel hundreds of kms from source. Radio nuclides, such as Plutonium 239 (with a half life of 24,110 years), adsorb strongly to the outer surface of particulate matter suspended in the water column wherein they are available for transport in the water column (over extended distances and time scales) and subsequent deposition into fine sediment deposits such as estuarine and coastal mudflats and salt marshes. (Ref 5)

All the evidence is that Pacific sea life is being seriously affected, hence the large multiple species die off reports of sea birds, fish, seals and whales etc.

It is not just this one river near the Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe site that is contaminated. All the contaminated river systems in central Honshu, plus the underground river flowing over the three molten cores at the Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe site, are continually washing huge amounts of radioactive contamination into the Pacific Ocean.

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Critics, however, charge that these results were found by averaging the radiation measurements, meaning that individual “hot spots” such as those Greenpeace claims to have found could go unstated.

15th July 2013 – 290,000,000 Bq/m3 of Tritium in the first analysis of the new boring hole 38 m from the Pacific Ocean.

The vendors in the wind bearings industry have invested in high-quality technology and processes to develop leading-edge wind turbine capability a being implemented in the on shore and offshore sites. There are a number of different bearing designs that can be found in the gearbox of a wind turbine, but most often, various combinations of CRBs, TRBs, and ball bearings are used.If the bearings are bigger, the bearings last longer but making the bearings larger increases friction, which decreases turbine efficiency. Current bearings have a replacement cost that is too high. What we need is a quantum leap in bearing technology - bearing materials which are at least ten times tougher than current materials are evolving.Wind turbine bearings are mission-critical devices. They function inside MW-class turbines, endure dynamic and unpredictable stresses to support movement inside the system Stress is causing untimely, expensive repairs for many wind turbines. Reliability of main shaft bearings is an issue. Recent turbine failures have been dramatic, the investigation has centered on SRBs: Self-aligning Roller Bearings. Solutions for retrofitting single self-aligning roller bearings (SRBs) in a three-point mount arrangement, including wear-resistant SRBs and a pre-loaded TRB design are in play.

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Tepco is still investigating the exact leakage point. However, it is highly likely that the transferring pipe was damaged and it was made of Polyethylene.

Thanks to Dr. Sternglass for this research paper below. It clearly demonstrates how nuclear contamination from the nuclear bomb testing era caused a significant crash in Pacific Ocean fish stocks. If this was the case then, it would be logical to assume that the Fukushima Nuclear Catastrophe is having a similar effect.

Why the high incidence can not be simply put down to naturally occurring thyroid nodules. The population near Fukushima was subject to massive amounts of different types of radioactive Iodine isotopes, not just Iodine-131, plus huge amounts of radioactive Cesium which can also cause Thyroid cancer. The reports below clearly reveal just how large the Iodine fallout was, just after Fukushima.

The more than 330,000 metric tons of water with varying levels of toxicity is stored in pits, basements and hundreds of tanks at the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant.

Global Silicon Nitride Balls Market Insights Report 2019-2026: Toshiba, CoorsTek, Hoover Precision, ITI, Winsted Precision Ball, Ortech | 6902 2rs Bearing Related Video:

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