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Special Price for Bearing 6005 Price - Promotion – Cylindrical Roller Bearings – HXHV

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Often customer-oriented, and it's our ultimate target to become not only probably the most reputable, trustable and honest provider, but also the partner for our customers for 6206zzc3 Bearing, 6203 Bearing, 6900rs Bearing, Our products are regularly supplied to many Groups and lots of Factories. Meanwhile, our products are sold to the USA, Italy, Singapore, Malaysia, Russia, Poland, and the Middle East.
Special Price for Bearing 6005 Price - Promotion – Cylindrical Roller Bearings – HXHV Detail:


$50 off for every $1000
$15 off for every $500
$5 off for every 300
MOQ: 1 piece
The discount only available for the bearings listed below.
Valid Period: from 1st to 30th September
Type of Bearing
1004 $2.21 $2.21 $2.21 $2.65 $2.94 $2.06 $1.91
1005 $3.38 $2.94 $2.94 $3.38 $3.53 $2.65 $2.35
1006 $3.68 $3.53 $3.53 $3.97 $4.41 $2.94 $2.94
1007 $4.12 $3.97 $3.97 $4.41 $5.15 $3.38 $3.24
1008 $4.41 $4.85 $4.85 $5.59 $5.74 $3.82 $3.82
1009 $4.85 $5.29 $5.29 $6.18 $6.18 $4.41 $4.41
1010 $5.59 $5.88 $5.88 $6.62 $7.35 $5.15 $5.15
1011 $6.18 $6.62 $6.62 $7.06 $8.09 $5.59 $5.88
1012 $7.06 $8.09 $7.50 $7.94 $8.82 $6.32 $6.32
1013 $7.50 $8.53 $7.94 $8.82 $9.56 $6.62 $6.76
1014 $7.94 $8.97 $8.38 $9.26 $10.29 $7.06 $7.35
1015 $8.82 $9.56 $9.26 $10.00 $11.03 $7.65 $8.09
1016 $10.00 $10.59 $10.59 $11.47 $12.79 $8.82 $8.82
1017 $11.03 $11.47 $11.47 $12.21 $13.97 $9.56 $9.56
1018 $12.50 $12.79 $12.79 $13.68 $15.44 $11.03 $11.03
1019 $13.24 $13.97 $13.68 $14.71 $16.18 $11.76 $11.76
1020 $13.97 $14.71 $14.71 $16.18 $16.91 $12.50 $12.50
1021 $15.44 $16.91 $16.91 $16.91 $19.85 $14.71 $14.41
1022 $16.91 $17.65 $17.65 $18.38 $21.32 $15.44 $15.44
1024 $19.85 $19.85 $19.85 $21.32 $22.79 $17.21 $17.65
1026 $22.06 $23.82 $24.26 $25.00 $27.94 $23.53 $22.94
1028 $24.26 $27.79 $27.94 $30.88 $32.35 $27.94 $26.76
1030 $30.88 $32.65 $33.09 $35.29 $38.24 $30.88 $30.88
1032 $36.03 $37.65 $38.24 $41.18 $44.12 $36.76 $36.76
1034 $42.65 $45.59 $45.59 $45.59 $51.47 $44.12 $44.12
1036 $52.94 $55.59 $55.88 $55.88 $63.97 $53.68 $53.68
1038 $75.74 $75.44 $75.74 $77.94 $83.82 $73.53 $73.53
1040 $99.26 $95.29 $95.59 $99.26 $110.29 $92.65 $91.91
1044 $114.71 $109.12 $110.29 $113.24 $119.12 $105.15 $105.15
1048 $148.53 $138.97 $139.71 $154.41 $161.76 $133.82 $133.82
1052 $220.59 $220.59 $220.59 $220.59 $235.29 $205.88 $205.88
202 $1.91 $2.06 $2.06 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
203 $2.06 $2.21 $2.21 $2.21 $2.35 $2.21 $2.21
204 $2.21 $2.35 $2.50 $2.50 $2.65 $2.50 $2.50
205 $2.50 $2.65 $2.65 $2.94 $2.94 $2.65 $2.65
206 $2.94 $2.94 $3.24 $3.68 $3.68 $2.94 $2.94
207 $3.53 $4.12 $3.82 $4.12 $4.41 $3.24 $3.24
208 $3.97 $4.41 $4.41 $4.71 $4.71 $3.68 $3.68
209 $4.41 $4.71 $4.71 $5.15 $5.15 $4.12 $4.12
210 $4.85 $5.29 $5.29 $5.88 $5.88 $4.71 $4.71
211 $6.18 $6.62 $6.62 $6.62 $7.35 $5.88 $5.88
212 $7.06 $7.79 $8.09 $8.09 $8.82 $6.62 $6.76
213 $8.38 $8.82 $8.82 $8.82 $10.29 $8.09 $7.65
214 $9.26 $10.00 $10.00 $10.29 $11.03 $9.56 $8.82
215 $10.59 $11.03 $11.03 $11.03 $12.50 $10.29 $9.56
216 $11.47 $12.21 $12.21 $12.50 $13.24 $11.03 $11.03
217 $13.68 $14.41 $14.41 $14.71 $16.91 $12.50 $12.50
218 $15.44 $16.62 $16.62 $16.91 $19.12 $13.97 $14.41
219 $17.65 $19.12 $18.82 $19.12 $21.32 $14.71 $16.18
220 $21.03 $20.59 $20.59 $20.59 $22.94 $16.18 $19.12
221 $22.79 $24.26 $24.26 $24.26 $27.21 $22.06 $24.26
222 $25.88 $26.76 $26.76 $27.21 $30.88 $22.94 $26.76
224 $29.71 $31.62 $31.62 $31.62 $35.29 $27.21 $31.62
226 $34.41 $36.47 $36.32 $36.76 $40.44 $30.88 $36.47
228 $42.06 $45.88 $45.88 $46.32 $50.00 $38.24 $45.88
230 $49.71 $57.35 $57.35 $57.35 $66.18 $47.79 $57.35
232 $63.09 $66.91 $66.91 $67.65 $76.47 $61.18 $66.91
234 $72.65 $76.47 $76.47 $76.47 $86.03 $68.82 $76.47
236 $107.06 $107.06 $107.06 $107.06 $117.65 $103.24 $107.35
238 $126.18 $126.18 $126.18 $126.47 $144.12 $124.26 $126.18
240 $152.94 $152.94 $152.94 $152.94 $172.06 $145.29 $152.94
244 $210.29 $210.29 $210.29 $213.24 $229.41 $200.74 $210.29
248 $258.09 $258.09 $258.09 $264.71 $294.12 $248.53 $258.09
303 $2.21 $2.21 $2.50 $2.50 $2.50 $2.21 $2.21
304 $2.50 $2.35 $2.65 $2.65 $2.65 $2.50 $2.50
305 $2.94 $2.94 $3.38 $3.24 $3.38 $2.94 $2.94
306 $3.53 $3.82 $4.12 $3.82 $4.26 $3.24 $3.24
307 $4.26 $4.41 $4.41 $4.41 $4.85 $3.82 $3.82
308 $5.29 $5.74 $5.88 $5.88 $6.32 $5.15 $5.15
309 $6.62 $7.06 $7.06 $7.35 $8.09 $6.18 $6.32
310 $8.38 $8.82 $8.82 $8.82 $10.00 $7.65 $8.09
311 $10.00 $10.59 $10.59 $11.03 $11.47 $9.56 $9.56
312 $11.47 $12.21 $12.50 $12.50 $13.24 $11.03 $11.03
313 $13.68 $14.41 $14.41 $14.41 $16.91 $12.50 $12.50
314 $17.21 $17.65 $17.65 $17.65 $19.85 $15.44 $15.44
315 $21.32 $19.12 $19.12 $19.12 $21.32 $19.12 $19.12
316 $22.79 $22.06 $22.06 $22.06 $25.00 $22.06 $22.06
317 $24.85 $25.88 $25.88 $26.47 $28.68 $26.47 $25.74
318 $29.71 $30.59 $30.59 $30.88 $34.56 $30.88 $30.88
319 $33.53 $34.41 $34.41 $34.56 $38.24 $34.56 $34.56
320 $40.44 $42.06 $42.06 $42.65 $46.32 $42.65 $42.65
321 $45.88 $49.71 $49.71 $50.00 $55.88 $50.00 $50.00
322 $53.53 $55.44 $55.44 $55.88 $61.76 $55.88 $55.88
324 $68.82 $72.65 $72.65 $73.53 $80.88 $73.53 $73.53
326 $80.29 $84.12 $84.12 $84.56 $91.91 $85.29 $84.56
328 $114.71 $114.71 $114.71 $114.71 $126.47 $100.00 $100.00
330 $143.38 $143.38 $143.38 $143.38 $161.76 $133.82 $133.82
332 $162.50 $162.50 $162.50 $161.76 $181.62 $152.94 $152.94
334 $200.74 $200.74 $200.74 $201.47 $229.41 $191.18 $191.18
336 $220.59 $220.59 $220.59 $220.59 $250.00 $213.24 $213.24
338 $264.71 $264.71 $264.71 $264.71 $286.76 $264.71 $264.71
405 $5.59 $5.74 $5.74 $5.74 $6.62
406 $6.18 $6.62 $6.62 $6.62 $7.79
407 $7.79 $7.94 $8.09 $8.09 $10.29
408 $8.82 $9.56 $9.56 $9.56 $11.03
409 $10.00 $11.03 $11.03 $11.03 $12.50
410 $12.79 $13.68 $13.97 $13.97 $15.44
411 $14.41 $15.44 $15.44 $15.44 $17.65
412 $15.88 $18.82 $16.91 $16.91 $18.38
413 $18.38 $20.59 $19.12 $19.12 $21.32
414 $27.21 $27.21 $27.21 $27.21 $30.88
415 $33.82 $34.56 $34.56 $34.56 $38.24
416 $38.24 $38.24 $38.24 $38.24 $42.65
417 $41.91 $44.12 $44.12 $44.12 $47.79
418 $51.62 $53.68 $53.68 $53.68 $57.35
419 $55.59 $55.88 $55.88 $55.88 $61.76
420 $63.53 $67.65 $67.65 $67.65 $72.06
422 $76.47 $80.88 $80.88 $80.88 $88.24
424 $133.82 $133.82 $133.82 $133.82 $147.06
426 $139.71 $154.41 $154.41 $154.41 $169.12
428 $0.00 $198.53 $198.53 $198.53 $217.65
2203 $2.35 $2.50 $2.50 $2.65 $2.94
2204 $2.65 $2.65 $2.65 $2.94 $3.38
2205 $2.94 $2.94 $2.94 $3.38 $3.68
2206 $3.68 $3.68 $3.68 $3.68 $4.41
2207 $4.41 $4.41 $4.41 $4.41 $5.15
2208 $4.85 $4.85 $4.85 $5.15 $5.74
2209 $5.29 $5.74 $5.74 $5.88 $6.62
2210 $6.62 $6.62 $6.62 $6.62 $7.79
2211 $7.35 $8.09 $8.09 $8.09 $8.82
2212 $8.82 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 $11.03
2213 $11.03 $11.03 $11.03 $11.47 $13.24
2214 $11.76 $12.50 $12.50 $12.65 $14.41
2215 $13.24 $14.41 $14.41 $15.44 $16.91
2216 $15.44 $16.91 $16.91 $17.65 $19.12
2217 $17.65 $19.12 $19.12 $19.85 $21.32
2218 $21.32 $22.06 $20.59 $21.32 $23.53
2219 $22.79 $23.53 $23.53 $24.26 $25.00
2220 $25.00 $27.21 $27.21 $26.76 $30.88
2222 $35.29 $36.76 $36.76 $36.76 $41.18
2224 $38.24 $42.65 $42.65 $42.65 $47.06
2226 $50.00 $53.68 $53.68 $54.41 $57.35
2228 $61.76 $67.65 $67.65 $67.65 $73.53
2230 $92.65 $95.59 $95.59 $95.59 $105.88
2232 $119.12 $125.00 $66.18 $125.00 $135.29
2234 $154.41 $154.41 $154.41 $154.41 $161.76
2236 $161.76 $161.76 $161.76 $161.76 $176.47
2304 $3.68 $4.12 $4.12 $4.41 $4.41
2305 $4.12 $4.41 $4.41 $5.15 $5.15
2306 $5.29 $5.88 $5.88 $6.62 $6.62
2307 $6.18 $6.62 $6.62 $7.35 $7.79
2308 $8.09 $8.53 $8.53 $8.82 $9.56
2309 $9.56 $10.59 $11.03 $11.03 $11.76
2310 $11.03 $12.50 $12.50 $13.24 $13.24
2311 $14.41 $15.44 $15.44 $16.18 $17.65
2312 $17.65 $19.12 $19.12 $20.29 $21.32
2313 $19.85 $21.32 $21.32 $21.32 $22.79
2314 $21.32 $22.79 $22.79 $22.79 $23.53
2315 $27.21 $27.94 $27.94 $28.68 $30.88
2316 $28.68 $32.35 $32.35 $34.56 $36.76
2317 $34.56 $36.76 $36.76 $38.24 $41.18
2318 $38.24 $42.65 $42.65 $47.06 $47.06
2319 $46.32 $50.00 $50.00
2320 $57.35 $61.76 $61.76
2322 $76.47 $82.35 $82.35
2324 $95.59 $105.15 $105.88
2326 $138.24 $144.12 $144.12
2328 $161.76 $169.12 $169.12
2330 $182.35 $191.18 $191.18
2332 $220.59 $229.41 $229.41
2334 $269.12 $272.06 $272.06
2336 $301.47 $302.94 $302.94
2338 $420.59 $420.59 $420.59
2340 $477.94 $482.35 $482.35
2344 $536.76 $544.12 $544.12

Product detail pictures:

Special Price for Bearing 6005 Price - Promotion – Cylindrical Roller Bearings – HXHV detail pictures

Special Price for Bearing 6005 Price - Promotion – Cylindrical Roller Bearings – HXHV detail pictures

Special Price for Bearing 6005 Price - Promotion – Cylindrical Roller Bearings – HXHV detail pictures

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The company keeps to the operation concept "scientific management, high quality and efficiency primacy, customer supreme for Special Price for Bearing 6005 Price - Promotion – Cylindrical Roller Bearings – HXHV, The product will supply to all over the world, such as: Comoros, Frankfurt, Mexico, Over the years, with high-quality products, first- class service, ultra-low prices we win thee trust and favor of customers. Nowadays our products sell all over the domestic and abroad. Thanks for the regular and new customers support. We provide high quality product and competitive price, welcome the regular and new customers cooperate with us!

To sent you the suitable price asap, we must know your basic requirements as below.

Bearing’s model number / quantity / material and any other special requirement on packing.

Sucs as: 608zz / 5000 pieces / chrome steel material


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    5 Stars By Sabrina from New Zealand - 2017.06.16 18:23
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